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Try the Four Best Exercises for Bigger Arms

Everyone wants great arms.

Some want large arms with bulging veins, and some want shapely arms with great tone and definition. 

To put you on the right track to reach your personal goals, I’ll give you the four best exercises for “the pythons.”

Sets and Reps

First, a word about how much work you need to do and how often you need to do it.

Overall, if you work your arms in some way about twice a week, you’ll be in a good spot. Avoid working them very hard on back-to-back days.

Arms are involved in chest and back training, so if you’re working on those muscle groups already, you might consider adding in just one extra session for the arms. Conversely, you can stick to your training plan and just add in a few extra arm exercises on days when you have a bit of extra time and energy.

Exact set, rep and rest schemes will vary, and you should adjust them periodically to avoid plateaus. If you always do the exact same thing, muscle growth will stall. 

Here’s a great starting point: 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps with about 60 seconds of rest between sets. 

The last rep of the last set should be challenging!

Biceps Exercise 1: Barbell Curl

This one is a standard. Grab a barbell and stand tall with arms extended. Using only the elbow joint, flex your biceps and raise the bar to your shoulders. Then lower under control. Try to avoid moving the upper arms forward or rocking to add momentum. Use only your biceps.

Some people find a straight barbell hard on the wrists, so you can also use an “EZ curl bar” for this movement. This “curvy” bar allows you to change the angle of your grip.

Triceps Exercise 1: Triangle Push-Up

This one only involves your body weight, but it packs a punch.

Get into a plank position (you can lower your knees to the ground to make it easier). Place your hands under your face with your index fingers and thumbs touching to make a triangle. Keeping your body stiff, lower yourself until your nose touches or comes near to your hands. Then push yourself back up.

This push-up variation is great for working the backs of the arms. If you find it easy, slow down the tempo, add some reps or reduce the rest.

Biceps Exercise 2: Dumbbell Hammer Curl

Standing tall, hold a dumbbell in each hand. Rotate your hands so your palms are facing each other (thumbs up). Without momentum and using only your biceps, curl the dumbbells toward your shoulders, either one at a time or together. Then lower.

This curl variation works slightly different muscles than a traditional curl, so it’s a great option. (We have tons of additional variations to keep things fresh!) 

Triceps Exercise 2: Dumbbell Kickback

Even strong people often have to use lighter dumbbells for this movement. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and then bend at the waist to bring your torso close to parallel to the floor. From this position, pull your shoulders and elbows back until you have a 90-degree bend in your elbow. Extend your arm until your elbow is straight, then lower the dumbbell back to the starting position.

This one is tough!

More Variations, Better Results

These four movements will help you build great arms!

But remember that food, rest and program changes are important, too. If you don’t give your body the best fuel or enough recovery time, progress will be slow. And always doing the same thing will work for a little while, but then progress will stop. 

The best plan to get the arms you want involves doing a great program, eating the right stuff, resting the right amount and adjusting the plan regularly so you never get stuck in a rut.

If you have questions about that or want to work with a pro to get the arms you’ve always dreamed of, we can help. Book a free consultation here to talk to us about your goals!